The below is a list of MCA publications to date. For more information on how to purchase any of the books listed below, kindly email the Malta Classics Association at [email protected]. Unless otherwise states, these prices do not include postage.
Fabulae Melitae Mirabiles (2022)
Fabulae a collection of Maltese legends and folk-tales reproduced in Latin by Dr Carmel Serracino. This publication is an ideal tool for those who have studied Latin in the past and would like to practice with a new text describing familiar ground or for
those current students of Latin who have progressed beyond the very basics of Latin and have commenced their studies at a more intermediary level. The texts are accompanied by helpful notes and vocabulary lists. Copies of the book may be purchased for €15. This price does not include postage.
A Guide to Latin Terms in Law (2022)
This publication born of a collaboration with the University of Malta’s ‘Għaqda Studenti tal-Liġi’ is a collection of Latin maxims and terms that are often invoked in court judgments and other legal literature. Each Latin term is accompanied by a translation of into English and accompanied by an example of its use in Maltese case-law or secondary literature on Maltese case-law. This extensive and well-researched 358-page volume is an indispensable tool for all Maltese lawyers, students and those with a more general interest in law. The book may be purchased from the MCA for €15. Members of the MCA may benefit from the reduced price of €10. These prices do not include postage.
Vox Aspecta (2019)
Vox Aspecta is a small collection of Latin proverbs and their English and Maltese translations, following from its predecessor, Vox Depicta. Every translation is accompanied by annotations by Maria Zammit, and the book is fully illustrated by Warren Bartolo.Copies of the book may be purchased for €10. Members of the MCA may benefit from the reduced price of €5. These prices do not include postage.
Vox Depicta (2017)
Vox Depicta is a small collection of Latin proverbs and their English and Maltese translations. The book is fully illustrated by Warren Bartolo. Copies of the book may be purchased for €10. Members of the MCA may benefit from the reduced price of €5. These prices do not include postage.
Greek Civilisation as Seen in its Literature – Nicholas Debono Montbello (2015)
Why do we still read Ancient Greek literature – What is so great about Homer – Why is Greek Tragedy so appealing – Who was Herodotus- When did the Hellenic Age begin- In these pages you will find the answers to these questions and many more besides. Backed by the experience of a long academic career teaching classical languages and cultures, Nicholas Debono Montebello has written these essays which, in their conciseness and comprehensiveness, are especially useful for students of the Arts, as well as for readers who are interested in the unique legacy of Ancient Greece. This book is also available in Maltese.
Copies of this book may be purchased from the MCA for €5. This price does not include postage.
Dwar l-Arti tal-Poeżija – Karmenu Serracino (2012)
Il-filosfu Grieg Aristotli kien l-ewwel studjuż li ddedika kitba sħiħa lit-teorija tal-letteretura bl-isem ta’ Dwar l-Arti tal-Poeżija. Magħruf tradizzjonalment bħala l-Poetika, dan ix-xogħol kontroversjali jmur lura għar-raba’ seklu Q.K. Fih, Aristotli jgħarbel il-metodi li jagħmlu l-aħjar traġedja drammatika, filwaqt li janalizza wħud mill-aqwa traġedji tat-teatru Grieg, bħal Edipu Sultan ta’ Sofokli. Ix-xogħol kellu influwenza kbira fuq teoristi u drammaturġi matul is-sekli, u għadu meqjus sal-lum bħala trattat fundamentali fl-Istorja tal-Kritika Letterarja. Karmenu Serracino qed jittraduċi dan ix-xogħol mill-Grieg Klassiku għall-Malti, filwaqt li jikkonsolida t-traduzzjoni b’introduzzjoni u noti komprensivi li jgħinu lill-qarrej jifhem aħjar l-ideat Aristoteliċi u l-isfond storiku li fih kiteb il-filosfu.
Dan il-ktieb jista jinxtara għal €5 mill-membri tal-Assoċċjazzjoni, jew għal €10 mill-membri tal-pubbliku. Dan il-prezz ma jinkludix il-pustaġġ.