
Malta Classics Association blog post


Hephaestus is a unique God in many ways, the first being his appearance. Hephaestus is often thought of as the only Olympian God that did not have great physical beauty. …

Malta Classics Association blog post

Gaius Sempronius Gracchus

Disclaimer – although the facts and arguments below are well researched, this blog post is not meant to be used as anything other than a short introduction to a very …

Malta Classics Association blog post


Theseus was the son of Aethra, and grandson of Pittheus, the king of Troezen. It is not entirely certain who sired him, it could have been either Poseidon or Aegeus, …

Malta Classics Association blog post

Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus

Disclaimer – although the facts and arguments below are well researched, this blog post is not meant to be used as anything other than a short introduction to a very …

Malta Classics Association blog post

What Comes After Death?

Human beings, as a race, have always been both fascinated and frightened by what comes after death. So far, no one can agree, some adamantly believe that there is nothing …

Malta Classics Association blog post

The Twelve Labours of Herakles

Herakles Hercules, known as Herakles in the original Greek, is perhaps one of the most popular heroes in classical mythology. His is a tale of great misfortune and redemption. He …